Call for papers
We invite conference participants to present their contributions in the following research areas:
1. Linguistics and the contemporary research landscape: Global and local achievements and prospects.
2. Language and discourse of power: Problems of national and linguistic identity, society and cultural memory.
3. Language and war: Cognitive and discourse studies of language and discourse in military conflict. Media and information wars.
4. Language and ecology: From environmental discourse to ecopoetics.
5. Language and discourse of trauma: Medical and psychological, aesthetic and emotional, and existential dimensions.
6. Language and art: Intermedial and multimodal studies of multigenre discourses in the dialogue of cultures.
7. Language and intercultural communication. Problems of translation in professional, artistic and creative spheres: Achievements and prospects.
8. Language and education: Modern approaches and innovative technologies in the development of foreign language communicative competence in the professional sphere.
Round table discussion:
Language and artificial intelligence: Linguistic studies.
Moderator: Dr Matthew Voice (University of Warwick, UK)
Abstract formatting:
Abstract: one full page, including bibliography (one paragraph).
Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010.
Page: А4 format, all margins – 2.0 cm.
Font: Times New Roman, size – 12 pt.
Line spacing: single.
Paragraph indent – 1.25 cm.
Abstract title – centered in semi-bold CAPITAL letters. Below in the center – the author’(s) last name and initials in plain type. n the line below – the name of university / affiliation centered in italics. Two lines below – the main text of the abstract. Bibliography and text references should be formatted according to APA referencing style. All sources listed in one paragraph in Bibliography and numbered.